When The Government IS The Destruction

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
3 min readMar 4, 2023


When I moved to Egypt, there were all sorts of people who asked me why. I gave all sorts of reasons why, and most of them were either superficial or wrong. “We were moving to live together as a family” was the main one and as time proved, that was the wrongest answer of all of them. Like much of life, the move was selfish on my part and based on some rather silly hopes that someone who was something would become something else in a different location…but that is a different story. The point for posting this article and recommending this man’s very depressing writing is something else. (https://eand.co/why-the-gop-wants-to-tear-america-apart-a7bc712c98e3) It was the comparison between Canada and Egypt. As I was told when I was stuck at the stables in Alexandria back in the ’80s because Sultan Qaboos was visiting Mubarak and they MIGHT want to visit a store on the road that I needed to use to leave the stables and go home…so they CLOSED the road for a few hours just in case, “this isn’t a democracy, Madame. This is Egypt.”

I had already left one country, the US, because I felt very strongly that it was being run by all the wrong people, the infamous Military Industrial Complex, that needed there to be a war, which at that time was in Viet Nam where my friends and classmates could be killed neatly abroad. Canada felt different and I was happy. It still might be different but as time has passed, it seems clearer and clearer, that the same people were running most of the countries in the world. Living abroad in a place where it was blatantly clear that there was no government “for the people, by the people, and of the people” (https://www.britannica.com/event/Gettysburg-Address) actually seemed to be more honest than pretending that everything was just fine. At least here it was clear who the enemy was, while from my current position of hindsight, my birth country, which was still a primary power in the world and an instigator of many driving concepts, was being eaten from within by the forces of the Military Industrial Complex, a relatively new phenomenon that Eisenhower had seen back in 1961. (https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/eisenhower-warns-of-military-industrial-complex) Very few people paid attention at the time, and millions of people worldwide have been impoverished, displaced and have died while the survival of all life on the planet is at risk as a result of the *MIC*’s actions since then, although the US has manage to avoid all out war on its own land. This may be changing now, because what is the fear of being shot at school or in a grocery store other than war/terrorism?

The actions of the *MIC* are those that have driven the world economy to the point of destroying the balance of the earth by an addiction to fossil fuels, that have determined what lands and peoples would be the victims of unimaginable violence and destruction. We are living the result and the creatures who push the *MIC* agenda are pushing us to our destruction. What is happening in the US is simply the trailer to the coming film.



Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Maryanne Stroud Gabbani

Written by Maryanne Stroud Gabbani

I am a well-aged Canadian resident of Egypt since the late 1980s. I dislike late nights and the city, so I Iive on a farm in Giza and support communities.

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